CREMAnufacture Features

Companies looking for manufacturing capacity need to be supported by the means to find these capacities, configure them, and integrate them into their own manufacturing processes. To achieve this, one obvious approach is to port successful concepts from the field of Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) and Cloud computing to manufacturing to mirror agile collaboration through flexible and scalable manufacturing processes


Below you will find details of the core features of the CREMAnufacture platform and what it can offer to your manufacturing company:


Collaborative Monitoring

CREMAnufacture provides a personal collaboration environment between individual agents in the manufacturing processes.


Data Analytics

The Data Analytics module allows you to extract insights from the different machines, CPS and sensors connected, and feeding information to the CREMAnufacture system by running queries and drilling in the graphical reporting offered.




Design and execute real-world manufacturing processes of different factories including the design and runtime optimisation functionalities.

Tracking & Tracing

Providing data access and service functionalities to describe, provide, discover, and store data and services from various sources, including CPS, sensor, wireless sensors networks, smart objects and other Internet of Things technologies.